Start your Human Design journey correctly with beautiful hearts surrounded by nature.

  • Human Design Residency

    Nov 2023 - June 2024

    Experience the grace of being treated according to your nature.

    Sleep in your own aura.

    Receive support, empowerment, and opportunities to share your experiment with others who get it.

    Would you like to stay with us for
    40 days and 40 nights?

    Our LYD Retreat
    or other Living Your Design course.

    If it’s correct for you, there’s a link to book a call with me on the Residency page above.

  • Human Design Retreats

    19-26 February 2024

    3-10 May 2024: Relationship Edition

    *May spaces still available*

    Join us for a life-changing week in the heart of Portugal.

    Learn all the fundamentals of your Human Design, including Strategy, Inner Authority, the 9 centres, your true nature and conditioning.

    This is a Living Your Design (LYD) course certified by the International Human Design School.

    7 nights accommodation and meals included.

    Start your journey correctly.

    From 1,222€

    Limited to 4 spaces only.

Human Design.

Human Design is a logic system that reveals who you are and who you’re not.
It offers a way you can make decisions as yourself, allowing you to decondition
and align to the Truth of who you are.

Ra Uru Hu, the messenger of Human Design, famously started his lectures by saying “Don’t believe me and don’t trust me. The Human Design System is logical and can be verified by anyone.”

We invite you to do exactly that.

Who are we?

  • Kat Smith

    4/6 Manifestor
    RAX of Eden

  • Erik Bergan

    5/1 Projector
    LAX of Healing

Hello beauty,

I’m so glad you’re here.

Is it time we had that chat?

….or shoot me a message on WhatsApp +61477987635 😊

Stalk us on socials 👇